Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Results Are In - Mississauga Half Marathon

Today I completed my 9th half marathon and I was pleased with the results. The weather started off great (at 7:30am) with temperatures a bit above 10 degrees, sun shining on us, and very low to no wind.

My coach had given me what I thought could be an aggressive goal - 1:36:30 I saw this a pushing it a bit since I was injured and not training for 5 weeks at the beginning of the season. But, I was able to stay focused, push hard, and beat his expectations with a 1:35:41.

While a decent run in itself, it is more impressive when you compound my silliness. I had played my first practice beach volleyball game of the season the day before (on Saturday), against the recommendation of my coach. His advice was good, as I did strain my right quad which was sore the entire race. I stop to wonder what my time could have been had I not played the day before.

As always, a lesson is learned (again). Don't engage in new activities so close to race day. Take it from me - it makes sense!

1 comment:

AddictedToEndorphins said...

I found your blog when I googled "Mississauga Half Marathon!"
Sounds like you had a very good race:) Congrats on beating people's expecations!